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Tuesday 23rd March 1915
A beautiful day warm and bright.
Edith at school. Emma washing in kitchen.
Jim Morgan returned this morning from
Clayton, or perhaps he staid over at
Maloneys or somewhere on that side. Didnt
ask him. Lots of ice in the river
but the water is blue and sparkling
in the sunlight.
Voltie drawing hay for the cattle from
the South place, sheep died last
night. Emma didnt hang out the
wash only some towels.

Wednesday 24 March 1915
Another beautiful day, hens cackling
like mad. Emma got a cold or
something anyway she cant do anything
only be doctored with quinine and hot
lemonade. River nearly clear of ice.
I sent a letter to Belle also Evelines recd
book. Edith at home helping me do the
work. I received a letter from Flora.
Evening visitor Roy Rattray.
Rachels old cow got a calf

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