Thursday 25 March 1915
Cloudy this morning look like
rain. The weather has been so warm.
The grass has has started to grow. Separated
the milk this morning for the first
time this spring. A very nasty day, wind
South and a drizzling rain, ground bare.
Voltie gathered the sap early; we had a qt
and a pint of good maple syrup. V had the usual
amount of chores to do, horses, cows, calico, hens, sheep,
stables to clean &c. I wrote a letter to Maude.
Friday 26 March 1915
A chilly raw day. Emma hung out some clothes
on the line. Edith at home. Sent her to the post box with
letters to Grace, Maude, and remailed a letter to
John from Flora. Sent W.R. an apple. John OBrien
here to bring Mill Seire home. Said Louise is sick
with ear ache, sent by John quinine, onions &
hens oil. Cooking boiled dinner. I saved
a few tomatoe seeds. I was taken sick with
grippe and sick all day and all night. I
received a letter from Belle a beautiful
letter wherein she told me all about each
one of her children and Charles Sr.
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