Tuesday 30 March 1915
Wind West all day Edith gone to school.
Grandma sick in bed with the grippe.
Uncle Voltie got it to. Wall Niles here a long
while bought the book home. We boiled down
enought sap for dinner. I churned. Edith
go to Rachel got 12 eggs. I finished her dress.
Voltie finished leaning his grasseed had 11 lbs
I bake bread, wash dishes, milk pails, separators
an separatored the milk (Sold six pigs for $75).
Maggie McGhee here for another book for
Sylvia and some writing paper.
Wednesday 31 March 1915
Wind west what there is not much. Grandma
not much better. Edith gone to school. voltie
worked in the shop and done chores, he phoned
for lemons. Elc. oil and tobacco to be sent down
by the mail and a 100 of hog feed. Jack Niles
here. didnt get any mail only a paper the
Standard. I made five lbs of butter out from
yesterdays churning. The tomato seed are up
Edith went to Rachel before breakfast. This
morning and again to night. The weather is
cloudy all day, sap dont run these kind of
day. Well I guess I will have to get supper
for Voltie is doing the chores. Grandma in bed,
old pig got 10 little ones.
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