


Status: Indexed


Thursday April 1 1915
Well this is April fool day. I suppose there is
some fooling going on today but none here. This is
Emma Woodman's birthday. Uncle Voltie went
over to get so medicine for Grandma but didnt' get
home till 10 Oclock. he has the [grippe to. Joe
and Rupret [sic] done the chores. Sylvia here
all afternoon. Grandma not much better.
Frank Briceland got our pigs this morning. Edith
got a pail of sap we are boiling it down. This
is the last of school for a week. I suppose she will
raise the d---l all that time. Wind from the south

(Good Friday) April 2 1915
No wind this morning, river like glass. Uncle
Voltie awful lame this morning, phone for Joe to
come down and help draw hay from smith
place. he help do chores to. Sylvia and I went down
and got the boat were Uncle Voltie left it last night
in Jimy's bay. Eddie took us down in the buggie
I gave Sylvia some maple syrup and sent Maggie
some maple sugar. Edith went to Rachel. Joe here to
dinner. George Gillipie went up to church in his motor
boat. Jack Niles went to Clayton to day in his

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