


Status: Indexed


much better. Uncle Voltie wroking [sic] in the
shop all day and do the chores. I helped milk.
Edith went over to Rachel to feed her hen.
Uncle V went to Niles to get flour. Nice and
still all day, the water like a glass. I rang
up sylvia. Eddie McD stayed there all day
to day and all night tonight. The dancer's I
guess a pretty tired tonight, anyway I know I am.
Well I guess I go to bed (Good Night).

Wedenday [sic] 7 April 1915
very nice day. I done more washing,
made out 5 lbs of butter and churn and got
20 Doz's of eggs ready for town and done
up Uncle V shirt and pressed his pants. Edith
went to Rachel. Uncle V fixed his seed drill
and got cabbage ready for town. The boat did
not get in to the dock to night but is going
to try and get in to morrow morning.
she got in part way and back out and
went to Howe Island to stayed all night.
I got some starch form [sic] Sylvia. Eddie McD
went home this morning didnt get much
mail today just the papers and Grandma
a book from Uncle John and Uncle V some let

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