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very strange child. Sam Woodman hired
Volties manure spreader, going to plow for
Voltie. Edith about 3 Oclock pm. Edith
went to set out Rachels onions & staid to
to supper. Came home and drove up the
cows. V finished work
over on Rachels place.
Tuesday 4 May 1915
Sam Snub got very angry and brought
the manure spreader home because
V went up and told him not to load it
so heavy. he (Sam) had it loaded way up
above the seat. He has had the spreader
more than a day. but I dont think
he will help V plow now. Geo Woodman
here. V sold him a pig for the dollars.
Rachel came over to dinner.
Edith went at sun set and carried milk
to Rachel.
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