


Status: Indexed


Wednesday 5 May 1915
A fine cool day. Voltie began
plowing the last home field back of
the barn. Rachel came over to
gather and cook greens. We had a big
mess of greens for dinner. Edith at school.
V got the field and quarter plowed.
Sylvia Anne and Sarah Anne Mcdermot
here in the evening also Mag Magee.
Jimy Kehoe gave V two fine pike.
George Niles took Louise to Clayton
in motor. She going from there to
Watertown Sanatarium. I sent a letter
to Lippencott for flower seeds.

Thursday 6th May 1915
A cool bright morning. V plowing. Edith
at School. Sarah McDermott gone home.
Sylve drove to the dock with her this
morning. She is coming back to attend
the sugar party to be held at Jane Niles Friday
evening for the benefit of the "Ladies Aid".
We had fish for dinner & as a present from
Jimie Kehoe. V has half the field plowed.
Rachel came over for milk. V planted potatoes 9 rows.

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