


Status: Indexed


Tuesday 24 May 1915
Emma finished papering my bed room. Sylvia helped
her and staid to supper. Rachel here twice this day (walked over and back).
V building fence all day and not finished yet.
I sorted rags; gathering for a storm and begin
to rain and rains all night. I sleep in veranda
and hear the rain pattering on roof all night.

Wednesday 25 May 1915
Awoke this morning to see the rain falling
and the orchard white with bloom. Work and
business slow in the house. No healthy ambition about
work and all I can do is to let them take their
own gait

"Old times are changed
Old industry gone
And work gone crazy & deranged.
From early morn & all day long

but nature, outside is industrious grass green
and growing, orchard all in blooom. Wind blowing
river rolling with white caps. Jim Morgan here
for some krout, said Edith told Madeline they
could have krout. V filled Jim's saw, Jim
gave him 25 cts. Rachel came over for milk ate dinner
with us. Emma painted my bedroom floor. I go to
roast in veranda. Mail nothing.

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