


Status: Indexed


Wednesday 2nd June 1915
A fine day and very warm. Voltie by
help of Jimy Morgan butchered one pig.
Edith watching cows over on Rachels. The
pig is very fat. V built fence over on

Miss Murriel Stewart

Thursday 3rd June 1915
A very fine day. Voltie gone to Town on
boat carried a fore quarter of pork which weighed
47 lbs at 12 cts per. Nearly all places of business
closed for this is the Kings birthday which
has to be celebrated war or no war even if
the Germans win which I think they will do.
Edith watching cows over on Rachel. Sylve
went over to the dock with Voltie and Emma.
Emma drove for V at 1/2 past 4 Oclock
pm. Rachel came over to tea. V run the
3 nets only 4 fish. V bought 2 doz lemons,
a dog, bananas, 10 brown sugar, 3 boxes Dadds
pills for me, 5 bottles of Elecric oil, 1 box sodas,
1 lb cow brand soda

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