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Tuesday 8 June 1915
It rained some in the night after Emma
came home and now it is much cooler.
Voltie's rheumatism no better, he works
awhile building calf pasture fence and
then comes in and his down awhile and
then goes out to work again. Alice Higgins
and her brother Mr Hubert Essford here in
p.m., couldn't stay to supper, after supper
Sylvia and Sadie McDermot & Roy Rattray
here till 9 pm also Rachel who talked very
bitter to Roy for yelling when he passed her
house last night. "Tis a long way to old Rachel Bamfords.
Roy had been working for James Kehoe
and had been drinking to much of James hard cider.

Wednesday 9th June 1915
A very cool day after the last nights rain. Emma
and Edith helped Voltie do chores. Emma and
Edith went to the baseball picnic in Kehoes
woods came home early. Volties back a little
better and his eye some better but he cultivates
the corn ground and runs the cultivator between
the rows of potatoes. The strawberries are ripening some
I received a letter from Grace which I was very glad
to get. Her letters are always bright and cheerful.
Rachel here in evening and supper.

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