Thursday 9 June
A very nice forenoon but in the pm
the wind springs up and blows hard from S.W.
Emma washed a lot of clothes at the river where
E & E & V had carried and set the big water
tank, but didn't finish on account of chilly
wind. Irene washed all breakfast and dinner
dishes. Edith got the dinner. V back not much
better but he finished cultivating the corn &
potato ground. Sylvia here all pm and to supper.
Rachel came over for milk and to ring to Dignums
to inquire if the corn came on the boat for her
hen feed, that V had phoned for this pm from
McFarlands, and this evening V and Emma have
drove over for the corn and a lb of tea and laundry
soap and have not yet returned. The weather is very
cool, almost cold. Edith watered the calves and lambs.
tis very cloudy and dark. V & E just now arrived
with the corn, tea, & soap.
Friday 10 June 1915
Slept from 1/2 past 9 pm till 3 am without awakening
didnt sleep again. Spoke to V for I thought the
old pig was out rooting potatoes at half past four but
it was only a "thought so". V much better this
morning. Thunder, lightning and rain which I
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