


Status: Indexed

1 Sept Thursday 1915

V and Reg went to K. Henry went on boat as far as
his uncle Hanks which left no one home except Belle, Emma, Edith
and I; the day passed away very pleasantly V carried 3 barrels
of Oldenburghs to market one to Henderson and sold the others on
the market. I think he got only $1,50 per barrel. Well they all
came home Bob Sr. Sr., Robert Jr., Grace, Isabelle (Margaret staid home)
Voltie and Henry which makes just 12 of us now in family now
Isabelle Jr not very well so Rob Sr & Grace retire early and Ruth came down
and Marion and they danced a little while.

2 September Friday
Arose early; a fine day now hustle and bustle for breakfast for
Grace and her family are going to Watertown. Bert Smith is going
to meet them at Van's and now the picking up and packing up
5 or 6 valises and sent cases filled and too full. V goes to Niles
and borrows their skiff & Reg rows Margaret and the Baggage across
while V in his skiff takes the balance of the family across in his skiff.
Bert didn't come till 1 pm. then Maud and kid Hubert was with
him. Lib was scant for fear she would have to get their dinner and
put it off as long as possible. Grace told Lib not to get dinner for them for
she nor Bob nor one of their family would eat. She only wanted
the privilege of stopping on their ground till some one came for
them. L got dinner for them but they didn't eat. They all piled in the
car and went to Will Dixons. Reg came back with Niles skiff. V went to
corners bought coffee and tobacco and visited with Laura Beadle
Hank came in his motor for Belle and Henry.

3rd September Saturday 1915
A very fine day. Emma cleans all the floors. Regginald helps
V dig potatoes. They go fishing and gather plums down on the
Frank place. Marrion comes down and they to. Emma & Marrion
go out in skiff pretending to fish. The river is perfectly still
all day. Reg quits tater diggin and goes in skiff too.
Rachel comes over to visit Belle but she not here nor did she come
staid all night at Hanks. Dora's boy got pneumonia awful sick

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