Sunday 4 5 Sep 1915
A very fine day; river quiet a good day
for visitors. R came over very early this morning
on account of Belle but she waited a long
time till noon. When Henry came bringing
her an Henry Jr in motor around the foot
of island. They tarried but a very short time just
long enough for Belle to collect her things & away they
went in Henry's motor over to Vans, and Reginald with his bycicle
also. R staid all day and talk talk talk talk. O my head will
split. Marion McDermot here too.
Monday 6 Sep 1915
A very fine warm day; not to hot. V after
doing several kinds of chores as feeding hogs, milking
cows, going to factory etc, drove to factory with
milk then breakfast and after that dug potatoes.
Emma washing. Edith and I washed all breakfast
dishes. I scoured knives, cleaned up the long cupboard
of old slops, dirty dishes a miserable lot of them.
I picked over and washed the plums for preservation.
Wind south and somewhat cloudy but a fine
comfortable day for work indoor or out. And
we are alone this day for the first time since the 3rd of
Oh such a summer but everything would have gone off
all right enough only for Bob Gaskin Sr presence for the
man has lost all the wit he ever had (if he ever had
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