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Sunday 9 January 1916

A very good day The new school master
and Mr Weir came to see T about the
school. Volke hired him on condition
and tomorrow morning he begins his
tutoring of 7 pupils Edith Lehman
Clarence McDonald [?] McDonald
Alden, Madaline, Mirabel, Keneth &
Morgan A very small school for $400
dollars, for an unqualified teacher

Monday 10 January 1916

A very good day. We received a letter from Belle
Jim Morgan here to get his sleigh repaired and
staid to dinner. He offered of the money for fixing
the sleigh but Volke wouldn't take it from Jim
Jim said he would work it out help pay to
drag hay from the lower barn; a phone for
T to go to Henry Halladays tomorrow Eve
to a dance consequently Emma is all
animation in anticipation of attending the
great Event Edith at school

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