Friday 28 Jan 1916
A very fine day ground bare I receive a letter from
Grace. is good friendly letter this time. I wrote and
sent a letter to A Nelson & sons Toronto for five books
but made a mistake of 5 cents which I must rectify Monday
Also wrote to Allee Burpee for annual seed books
Philadelphia P.A. V trying to smoke pork in cellar way
but we were smoked out of house and home. The squirrels
have moved into our smoke house with all their hickories and
birch bark and old rags. but guess V will have to route them after all
Edith went to school
3 loads manure
Saturday 29
A fine day wind N.W. cold and freezing. Windows
thickly covered with frost. Emma cleaned floors Edith
partly got the dinner. V shop and saw wood
made a saw buck and sharpened the buck
saw, worked outside most all day, chopped wood,
went over to Rachels to saw and chop wood for
her ground bare in every direction as June V draw
one load of manure Mrs John OBrien
and her mother and John OBrien came
and made us an evening vist and we
had a very happy time They staid till Eleven
Oclock. The hen ate the new laid egg again
to day. Emma has got 20 lbs of butter for market
for 3 cts per lb
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