Monday 31 January 1916
Another nasty day rain, mud, bare ground
V working in shop Edith at home with her
tongue full blast. It never tires. Emma
ironing I wrote to J. Nelson book bublishers
enclosing 25 cts for postage on books. V carries
it to post box Edith makes a cake for dinner
Emma made some [?] biscuits
for dinner from left over from [?] crust
hard with no B P in it. I
received a letter from Nellie Brooks.
I want to write to several people but have
not envelopes. V wente over to Rachels to carry milk &
chop wood
Tuesday 1st February 1916
Froze a little last night. but the sun shining
bright and clear to day. Bare ground
every where Edith at school I am sleepy guess
I didnt sleep very well last night Volkie says we
have sourkrout enough to last a year
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