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Friday 4 Feb 1916

A dim brightness snowed a little
Wind west and chilly tho 12 deg
above zero ground bare Edith at
school. I sent a letter to Will
and was much surprised and happy
to receive a letter from Will. V brought
in 6 eggs to day V went over to chop
wood for Rachel to see how she gets
along and chop wood and carried beans
We received our five books from Nelson
all OK Emma fixed 6 eggs from the box in the
cellar. They appeared to be as fresh as new laid eggs

Saturday 5 Feb 1916

The dawn is bright and clear no snow
ground bare a little snow falling but
not enough to cover the ground Emma cleaned
floors. After dinner went out to try the skating
Edith went too on the ice but she has broken her
skates Jack N here again this pm working
on the school [?] V brought in one egg
before breakfast. Such an industrious hen ought to lay 2
eggs to day V finished drawing in the corn 4 loads
Marion McDermot came 6 eggs lumbering along up
after dark to day all night

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