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Thursday 13 September 1917
A fine cool morning. Arose early, going to
Kingston. Voltie, Rachel & Emma. Sheridan
drove around by OBriens from the dock to carry the
milk to factory. Sheridan drawing stone for concrete
floor for barn. Called him to lunch at 9 oclock.
Edith went to drive the old sow back. I am trying
to conquer the intricaces of a piece of a difficult crochet
work, done know as it will elude my efforts but
I think of the perserverence of Edison and
try try again. Just ate dinner. old Geo McKay
came down on boat. Nearly dark when they come
home. V paid Wm Woodman 300 for barn building
material. paid Reid for rockers, paid $20 rent
on the lower place. Em bought corsets silk
waist then bought working material for me
and a cosmopolitan. I bought flour 50
lbs. They all went to Chinamens to dinner.
Oh what an envious fool I am. Why not
be contented and patient as long as I live. Tom Maloney
here this evening to phone to Maurice at Hallidays. Norm has
been drafted and got to P

Friday 14 September 1917
A very fine day. MacKay and Sheridan went
to corners. Sent for Silkateen. he didn't get the right
color but I couldn't wouldn't tell him. McKay
bought whiskey. After dinner, V, [Sheridan|S]], G & Joe went
to Cape in Maloneys skiff. MacKay got drunk &
fell over board. V fished him out he fell
backward leaving his heels in the boat and his head
under water then V pushed his feet off the motor
then grabbed him and V & Joe hauled him in.
Rachel came over twice once in a.m. and again
at 6 pm. Staid till they returned from Cape. V bought
cloth bleached for Emma & 8 yds plaid for Edith,
shoes for himself which he needed very much. McKay
didnt eat supper but went up stairs to bed by help of V & S.
Then came Ogles and Ed McDonald for vinegar.

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