Wednesday 19 October 1916
A very fine day after
the great wind storm. Joe helped Voltie
gather the hay that the wind had scattered
from the stacks, 6 stacks were wind
blown. V gave Joe two dollars for his
days work. At sun set the clouds
began to rise in the west which
looks like another storm.
Thursday 20 October 1916
Arose very early for Voltie and Emma
went to Kingston. Emma carried her
umbrella and V bought a new one
for it rained nearly all day. It
cleared up a little towards night
and the wind changed from NE to
South and blew "some" and the rain
came again. Emma came home
with wet feet. Em bought herself
cloth and trimming for a new dress,
a table cloth for me and sundry
other articles. Rachel awful lame
to day. Edith very contrary which disturbs
Rachel more than I, but between them
it made every thing very unpleasant.
Mary Anne Dugan came down on the
boat this evening. She going to live with
Sinclair Michea and his ma. They
are all safe at home once more well
and happy
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