sausage, fresh fish & sugar, tea, coffee, chocolates
cloth for upholstering chair, mocking for
me, 6 spools silkateen, 2 spools thread White, 30
pink pills, oil, iodine sice,
Phonograph, rubber cards, a separate brush,
stove pipe blacking, 3 new timer towels. he
sold R fowl for 11 cts per lb 7 & bought brush for stove
pipe, a galon [sic] of paint for school house & a wire brush
and a new churn cover. Raining nearly all day.
Friday 10
7 calls E & E, milk goes to factory
comes home to breakfast. Cheese 23 1/2 per lb; he saw
Spafford Joy, Spaff is moved to town and is keeping
store (Queens I sippose [sic]). I received 3 letters from
Grace. Advocate and farm and dairy. V heard
yesterday by way of W.G. Woodman that
Rob Percy had an operation on his tongue for cancer.
Raining at sunset and part of the evening.
11 Saturday Nov 1916
A bright enough morning but somewhat cold and
windy and the gale in the night was was
fierce. It came from the South changing to West
and blew like a tempest. A door banging
kept us awake. V arose and found the doors
all closed went to bed again, bang continued
got up again and found it was the front
screen door but the wind was a disturbing
element all night. V gone over there to plow.
Emma done the floors as usual. baked bread
made pumkin pies. Bread no good; baked in
tobaco boxes, 6 or 8 loaves. Madeline & Mirabelle Morgan
here, came for cabbage cutter. They walked
both ways. knit, crochet, sew braided rug
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