rowed across to Van's, got Vans horse and buggy,
drove to the corner and bought a lot of
stuff from Miller, a pair of rubber boots,
E and E 3 letter tables, pork, and shoes for
himself, socks 3 pairs, stocking 2 pairs,
2 pails margarine, tobbaco 4 lbs, syrup,
candy, sundries W and 12 galons [sic] and 5
for Rachel, came home quite early. Rachel
walked over here with Edith after carrying milk
to Rachel. R staid till V came from the
corners, played cards till late then Edith goes home
with stay all night came home last next morning.
Wednesday 15 Nov 1916
A very cold day, ground covered with
snow no plowing done to day, not much done
in door either. Voltie preparing to go to town put up
4 bags of wheat for flour, and bags for hog feed.
Rachel came over at dark with Edith, she says
no Kerosine, no wood, nor coal, had to dig out
and come here for shelter and get warm.
She stays all night, play cards till late.
Thursday 16 Nov 1916
Arose very early. V intended going to Kingston,
milked the cows loaded grist in wagon, ate breakfast,
drove to dock got left just five minutes late, came
home phoned for hog feed to Parland then to Donahue
cant get any only brand. He drove to dock for
nothing. no coal for Rachel either. A dreary
miserable day had trouble with Edith nothing
seems to go right to day. V drawing lumber from
dock nearly all day 4 loads. baked beans for dinner.
The 4 played cards till late.
Rachel, Voltie, Edith & Emma. Orville here
V hired him to plow if there is a thaw.
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