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Friday 17 November 1916
snowing heavy in the night. Rachel went
home this morning. A bag of coal, 5 galon [sic]
of Kerosine, milk, herself, Turk and Edith.
V took the load on sleigh. V going to cut
poles away back to prepare for banking the hog pens.
John Flynn came looking after Forbes bull
that has been here all summer since V and
Will N drove him from Forbes. John wants
to buy him. I did not send any letters
to day but received 3 and a card; one from
Louise Dixon, one from Irene King, one from Grace
and the card from Lib Bamford. Every one in
bed except myself and it is not very warm.
Our milk went to factory this morning for the
last time and guess V is glad; I am any way
for now. I can make some butter. The weather
is not warm and the snow is falling to night.
The ground is covered with snow every where
and people are going in sleighs to day.
Guess I'll have to go to bed too. Edith came home
at 3 pm from Rachels. No one here to day
only V and E & E and myself after R went
home. I go to bed now, for the house is still and
all asleep. Even old shep is asleep under the table.

Saturday 18 November 1916
A cloudy morning. They say tis warmer this
morning and a soft snow fell last night but
I thought it was a cold freezing night. Emma is
baking bread this morning or mixing flour all
over on board and table and fell off on to the
floor. The old table is dancing & weaving to &
fro for it is rickety and loose in the joints.
On the side of the table it would be steady
enough and not lurch, lurch, lurch & creak
creak & wiggle as if it was dancing a highspeed reel

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