with wagon. Gillmore comes and borrows Volties
double buggy to go villiage for Jac Jackson
and the venison. May be we will be presented
wtih a piece, hope so. Received papers from
Grace and Bernie Watson. I send one
letter to Irene. Emma received a letter from
Reginald also one from Sylvia. Voltie in a.m.
made 3 or 4 pails of cider to get the pulp. Cards
this evening.
Tuesday 21st Nov 1916
A bright cold morning. Frozen Quite hard
last night, so hard, Voltie cant plow; he makes
more cider. Emma is wasting. The sun
shines in bright and clear at the windows.
Mabel Morgan came and Rachel came
also the both staid all night and played
cards all evening. Joe sent a big piece of venison
and we fried fried [sic] a big lot for supper,
played cards this evening I C the women and E & E
Wednesday 22nd November 1916
Mabel was the one that subscribed to the
Every woman's world for me. This is my
anniversary 83 to day, also Mabels tho I dont
know her age, 35 I guess. Mabel walked home
after breakfast. R walked home after breakfast.
Voltie chored around, played cards this evening
Thursday 23rd Nov 1916
A fine morning but rained all pm.
Emma sewed on Edith dress (blue) Edith
went over to R towards evening and staid
all night at R's. Samy Woodman went to
Watertown says he is going to business called
till June. Edith says write in your diary this
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