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She fed and watered the bull. V is fatting
for beef. play cards this evening

Friday 24th Nov 1916
A very good day. V plowed to day
A terrible wind all day from the S.W.
Something from a wrecked boat floating
down stream, the river in a boiling rage,
wide rolling, mad with froth and foam
crested billows. A dance at Arthur Hendersons.
Emma goes to dance with Joe Woodman.
The wind dont blow so terrible when they
start, but tis cold and the roads are rough.
Joe said it would be like driving over stone wlk
and cobble heads, but they all went. Orville &
Mrs Moore didn't play cards this evening. Emma not here

Saturday 25 Nov 1916
A cold frozen morning. V cant plow. E came home
at 6 p.m. from Henderson's dance went immediately
to bed and didnt get up till 11 Oclock. Voltie
carried in the bees. E & E helped carry them in cellar.
Edith goes over twice to feed and water R's horse.
She brought a rooster from R; for our Sunday
dinner. V shod Joe Woodmans horses in p.m.
Emma done some Saturday work, cleaned floors &c
and plucked the fowl. I finished knitting the lace
for a pair of pillow cases. V hulled a kettle of corn
golden bantam. R fried apples 7 onions and to
end the day R, V, E & E sat up till nearly midnight
card playing cards while I not knowing any thing
about the game, sit back solitary and alone looking
on. After card playing done. R cleaned and cut
up the fowl and we got off to bed and 1/2 past 12.
V hulled another kettle corn, play cards this
evening till 2

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