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Sunday 26th November 1916
A clear cold morning ground bare. V
after all had to work and pack the butter,
our first packing in a 5 gal crock. Rachel
washing breakfast dishes and cooking chicken.
Edith went over to R to water and feed her hen.
Edith Bates talking to Emma by phone
to come over. The poor girl is lonesome away
over on that isolated point, I think.
Emma as usual every Sunday wants to go
somwhere but dont go any place but
stays home. Edith goes to church
and the day passes on. Voltie got a terrible
lame back.

Monday 27 November 1916
A clear bright windy morning. Wind SW.
Voltie yet got a lame back but will work
tho E & E help do the barn chores. V went
up and hired Joe to help draw gravel. V
preparing to build a barn next sumer.
Rachel washing dishes after breakfast. Emma
sews a little on Edith's dress. Received a letter from
Grace and the Needle craft. Joe came and
drew gravel this pm. I wrote a letter to Louise
and began a letter to Grace. Card playing
this evening as usual. no reading these long
evenings no conversation! Old times are changed.
The good old evenings gone. I sit back alone
while they sit around the table and slap the
cards and I hear the laugh and their devilish
ribald rable. Meggie Joslin Rattray @
home to day from Watertown her mother
went for her and the baby

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