Tuesday 28 Nov
Weather much warmer this morning.
R went home this morning, loaded
herself on the bottom bards [sic] of the wagon.
Turk goes hopping along by side of
wagon. V is going to plow but but [sic] ground
froze so hard cant plow. Came home put in
the barn, cleaned and put up the
stove pipe from the cellar stove.
Had quite a difficult putting &
connecting it for he has a lame back. They got
it up all right at last. rains. No card playing this
evening. R gone home and all things settled
back to their old accustomed place.
Wednesday 29th Nov 1916
A warm day for the season tho it rained. Emma over
to R's all day cleaning hens for market. Orville
chopped their heads off. Edith done fine to day.
Voltie plowed till the rain sent him home.
I sent a letter to Grace. Received a letter
from Belle a book and a card. No card playing
done this night.
Thursday 30th Nov 1916
Arose early. Emma going to Kingston a cloudy
morning. V milked & done most of the chores before
driving to the dock with Emma and Rachel's
hens for market which leaves Edith and I alone to get
the meals and worry out the day. V didnt come
home till dinner time, found the dinner all ready,
drove to dock again before coming home for evening.
Didnt milk the cows this night. Emma brought
sugar, tea, rolled oats, yeast cakes, a pail of soda biscuits,
Laundry soap, 1 spool 12 white, 1 silkateen, Woodbury soap,
wide pink ribbon, 1 yd narrow pink ribbon, some christmas duds,
butter, towel, a chamber pail. Edith and I churned.
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