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Friday 1st December 1916
A cloudy day. Voltie plows all day
always a dull day after Kingston
tho Emma mopped up stairs and
my bed room. Weather much colder.
Edith goes to Rachels twice carrying her
milk, butter, oats. Will Niles and Sheridan Maloney
here just incidently called here
while hunting ducks. They went
to Jack N's to stay all night and play

We received a letter from Grace
and another bundle of papers from Grace.

No card playing but a sociable
evening talking and looking at and reading the
papers sent by Grace.

Saturday 2nd December 1916
We are all well as usual this morning.
Voltie gone plowing Emma cleaning

Sunday 3rd December 1916
A very fine day. Marion here to dinner
and supper. Emma and Marion went to
church. Edith went up to visit Loretta
and see the baby. In evening V and E
went to Flynn's. Edith and sat up till
E and V came home. V went to get natural
remedy for his calves. From 17 which he
1 started to grow last spring only 4

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