Monday 4th December 1916
A very good day. V plowed all day.
We didnt wash. we hulled a kettle of
kettle of corn. I write a letter & Grace
mend vest and overall for Voltie.
Old McKay rings for V to come
him over the river. Geo Gillespie saying
V saying the boat not running in Thursday
but going into dry dock for repairs. V ought
to go to Kingston. Edith churned and went
over to Rachels carrying her milk and buttermilk.
Tuesday 5th December 1916
A cloudy morning which, after awhile
turns to rain and wind. V plowing down
on the Frank place. Old Geo McKay
came just before dinner. While Emma
was putting the apples in as to boil.
Emma talking to Sadie Murray by telephone.
Emma finished packing the 5 galon jar of butter.
Voltie put shoe on old Ben. V fixing to
go to town tomorrow by way of the road,
no hog feed, and other business to attend too.
V drove over for R and Lurk. Rather cramped
for sleeping arraingments [sic]. At last got settled
by Emmas sleeping on couch by Libiary.
R & E in V's bed. V and old George up
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