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Friday 22 December 1916
A very fine day. Snow quite deep every
where. Received a letter from Grace saying she
is sick yesterday. I sent Grace a letter
yesterday and another to day by Emma to
be mailed in Kingston. V drove to dock
with Emma 15 fowl, 13 lbs butter 45 for
butter, 15 cts for the chickens. I write Watson
a letter, begins to look like a storm.
V drove to dock with E & her marketing
and drove again pm boat leaving
Kingston at 3 Oclock. Emma got a bad
cold. Hope it is not Grippe.

Friday 22 December 1916
A very stormy day for snow. Edith raising
D-l with Rachel all the time and whiting
up the butter pound pound pound pat
pat pat. V working in shop all day.
Emma sick in bed. I think she would
be crazzy [sic] with noise. The mail came down
about 4 pm. A box from Belle for me
a beautiful generous Christmas gift. Also a
box from my dear Grace with gifts from
Reginald Grace and the other children. I wish
I could give them a hundred dollars.

Saturday 23rd December 1916
Emma didn't clean floors but done
most every thing else. Rachel went home
with Rachel. The house is very quiet and
still no noise. The house is very quiet and
Voltie said if the river still he is going to cross
the river tomorrow for kerosine.

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