husk fashioned like an Australian native
face which caused uprorious [sic] merriment.
William Niles went to his uncle Johns for
an evening visit. We had a very pleasant
evening at home with the litterature which
Grace sent from Watertown and some card
playing going on.
Friday 6th January 1917
A fine day, clear bright and much colder.
Canned "Tallman sweets" made mince meat.
Emma made cake and done set work.
Edith separated the milk & washed breakfast
dishes along towards noon, and talked talked
talked talked same as usual. After supper
Will N goes to visit Wallace N, and stays
all night. We sit up as late as the usual hour.
Mail, we received a package of papers from
Reginald. Some of them (The New York papers
are very sensational. Hendersons bill and
Rerds bill for rockers and a national service
Saturday 7th January 1917
Weather very good. V sent Niles up
to Geo Woodmans for pine roots while he
works around at every thing at shop and
barn. Emma cleaned floors all right
and canned the apples partly fixed the
nine used didnt work once the butt
it. Will N went up to say all night with
Wall Niles.
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