Sunday 8 January 1917
A half cloudy wind south, river rough
and rolling and dark. A new litter of
pigs at the barn from 9 only 5 living.
Will N & Wallace N called here enroute
to George N. Edith getting dinner while
Emma is on the rampage visiting Lizzy Woodman.
Went down with Jen in
cutter came back with Joe in time to get
supper. Will came home to supper.
Voltie came in saying new pigs
at the barn then hustle to separate the sows,
move an old stove into the pen. 9 pigs but in
spite of percaution [sic] 5 died only saved 4. V up
late looking after pigs. Edith birthday she
is fifteen years old to day.
Monday 9th January 1917
A soft day. V big help of Will N, John Niles Jr,
Joe Woodman butchered and dressed 8 pigs
for market. All the helpers here to dinner.
But dont know how V will get the pork to
market. Boat jammed in the ice in Kingston
harbor, ice 16 feet deep. If North wind should
blow ice may move out. V drove over to
R's brought her and Turk for she has no coal
only a two kettles full. Will N went to Georg, W's
with Wallace. Came back early, played
cards till late. more pigs at the pen 10.
R didnt play. V sat up nearly all night with the
new pigs.
Tuesday 10 January 1917
A dark cloudy rainy day. R went home
early this morn after breakfast taking Edith with
her. Edith didnt want to go and I couldnt blame
her. V and W draw hay from the lower barn
through the rain. Such a load to dishes
to wash this pm, crockery, glass, cutting spoons,
pots, pans, jars, kettles, frying pans, basins and 10 other knives.
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