Sunday 4th February 1917
This is mid Winter, weather changed
since yesterday. 10 above zero. Temperature
in house changed in house too. A sanguinary
battle fought of words and the most elegant
and eloquent of language employed to express
the over charded temper.
Realy I'm disgusted to write the female tongues.
Henry went to Hallidays. Rode over
with Joe. Will Niles came over visiting, staid all
night, ate supper and breakfast. Miss Langley
here in evening. We expected Ray & Irene to return
from Hallidays but they didnt come. Will Niles
here staying all night.
Monday 5th Feb 1917
Not a very bad day. Telephone once more
in repair. Phoned to Hallidays inquiring
for Irene and Ray. Ray gone to Kingston
with Dick H. Joe came but didnt stay.
Will Niles went across with Voltie when
he went for sand. Ray & Irene drove
here about 1/2 pasat 8 pm: cold. They had had
supper at George Woodmans.
Tuesday 6 Feb 1917
Not very bad day. V drew hay & straw
from the lower barn. Ray and Irene started
home about half past ten am. Will N and
Ed Maloney drove here with single rig. Will
went up to see his aunt Jane who is very sick.
They drove here again staid to supper and
till bed time. Maloney talking politics, religion,
war, murderers, government affairs and now
they are gone home. Will brought over some
pop corn. V drew two loads sand.
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