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Wednesday 14 February 1917
A very fine day. not so cold, weather much
warmer. V received a call at the phone if
he wants pig feed to come for it. Leon McFarland,
he drives to Kingston this day
on ice to get feed before it is all gone. 1000 lbs shorts.
Edith gone to school. Two Maloneys drove here inquiring
for Voltie. Next came Will Niles for tools to fix
their pump. Emma walked nearly to Horns then Horn met her
after Liz took her silk skirt dress to mak. V came early. Joe helped chore
supper and stayed all night.

Thursday 15 Feb 1917
A clear cold day. Voltie drawing straw
alone no one to help him. Joe went home
after breakfast. No! over to Sams to help Sam
fill his ice house. Our dogs bark, bark, bark.
Fido staid in house last night and slept
in my rocker. Edith gone to school, walked,
heard Mary is no better. Emma mopped dining
floor. Frank Briceland drove in here for
his dinner after V helped him load Joe Woodmans
cow in his cow cage.

Friday 16 February 1917
A midling cold day. Voltie drew
3 loads of sand across the ice. Storming
hard, snow flying cant see across
the river. The storm cleared at sun set
and V went to Maloneys party.

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