Saturday 17th February 1917
Our dancers came home at Daylight.
Emma took of her silk attire and
went to bed. on V's bed: I said
E ought to have gone up stairs to her
own bed. Then JD made a mistake
which I'll never forget. Himself done
the chores at the barn then took a short
nap. Rachel working around washing
breakfast dishes Nearly 2 Oclock and Emma
not out of bed. Joe Woodman here to dinner & went
to sleep at dinner table. Jay Reasoner in Watertown
hospital. Not expected to live - appendicitis.
Edith done her washing sun shining very brightly
after noon. V drew one load of sand in p.m.
Sunday 18 February 1917
A very fine day for sun light but
cold. A small ruction in the morn
very early in which aunt R tried to
have a fist in the business but as she was not down
stairs she could only yell from her bed
room down through the stove pipe hole.
Heard by the phone that Jay Reasoner
died last night at eleven Oclock in hospital
Watertown. We were much surprised and
delighted to see Muriel come in. I at first
didnt know her, she brought me a picture
of her house, grounds and building. A
picture which I realy appreciate she
told me about Johny. She staid till 3 pm.
Heard by phone that poor dear Mary is
very low.
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