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Monday 19th February 1917
As cold as usual. Voltie drew two loads
of sand this a.m. We were surprised
by an unexpected visitor to dinner Will Cornwall
who had not been here in many years. He swears
and had been drinking too. Jim Kelsar
drew V a load of sand which 22 loads.
Henry came back from Doras to day. Edith
walked to school this morning. Will Ranous
brought the mail to the house. He drove down on the

Tuesday 20th February 1917
A very fine day Edith at school. Will Niles and
Tom Maloney here awhile. Voltie drew sand
3 loads which makes 27 loads.

Wednesday 21st Feb 1917
A very fine Day. We were just thinking
about having no one here to dinner when
Lo & Behold Will drove in here said he
came for R. to say
visiting. Will drove to school for Edith and
brought Miss Langley too to Niles door.

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