Sunday 18 March 1915
Weather bitter cold for march miserable
March weather. Edith take a trip to
Geo Niles finds no one at home
goes to Kehoes. V drives over to Vans
for oil. Emma goes along not gone
a long time. Gave Van 20 dollars for
old Al Percy for an old second horse
harness & brought home 12 gallons Kerosine.
Then V and Edith drives to Flynns
Monday 19 March 1917
A cold half cloudy morning wind S.W.
John and V draw 4 loads of hay
from lower stack. Joe came to help saw
down the pine trees, but as J.D. & J.D.
were busy drawing hay didnt go sawing.
Tuesday 20 19 March 1917
A cloudy snowy morning. Another lamb dies
in the house last night which makes 6
dead lambs from 24, so there is 18
lambs remaining. Joe here reading V's
new farm book. Emma baking bread.
Voltie filing Will W's saw.
John repairing chairs. After dinner John
and Joe sawed the pines. Joe here to dinner
and supper. Card playing this evening.
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