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Wednesday 21 March 1917
Sun crosses the equater [sic] on his home ward
journey to us North and Spring begins to day.
Sun shining bright and clear. Edith
to school. Voltie & John drawing hay from the
lower barn. I send to letters one to a cement
co and another to a paint company both
Montreal. V and John brought or drew gravel
and there are now 7 loads of gravel. There
are 21 lambs now at the barn. 4 eggs.
Hannah gave V 2 gallon milk. A letter from
Belle, one from Isabel.

Thursday 22nd March 1917
Clear bright chilly. Froze last night. Edith gone
to school. John and Voltie drawing gravel
from Mabels. The fire in stove dont seem to burn
very clearly. Employed the pm in sorting old papers
and scraps; old letters &c. Some we saved some
we burnt, read a few of those old letters, some
makes me sad, those old letters of long ago. They
are gone those dear friend and I'll never see
them again on Earth. Oh why, why is it so!
Oh where and what is the mistery [sic]
the great mystery, and even the dear one
that yet remains that have not traveled to their
journeys end, (life journey) how seldom I
seem them. I have my dear Voltie, and my dear
Johny is here now; in a little while and he too
will be gone. I miss Belle, Grace and my
dear Wellie, dear good son whom I have not seen
in three years. Will comes to see us some time.
my dear brother Will. Some day the mist and clouds will have
rolled away. 7 loads of gravel to day which makes 14.
Wallace went away this night came to say good
bye. Poor dear Jane how sorrowful for her to see him

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