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Friday 23rd March 1917
Froze last night. Sun shining but chilly.
Voltie and Johny drawing gravel. Edith gone to
to school. 22 lambs now at the barn.

Saturday 24th March 1917
A bright day froze last night but sun
soon thaws the freeze and snow rappidly
disapearing. There are now 24 lambs
at the barn. There has been 30 lambs, one
sheep that had 3 lambs lost them all

Sunday 25 March 1917
A bright warm day. Emma and Miss Langley
walked over to Abjina McDolalds.
If they get wet feet, I'm not to blame, which I
think they will for how can they avoid doing
so. They returned at at sun set
accompanied by Eddie. Edith got dinner
and supper which was not much. I wrote
to Grace. John comes in saying there is
another calf at the barn which makes two now,
eight eggs to day from a hundred and twenty

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