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Monday 26th March 1917
A very fine day snow nearly all disapeared.
John tapped trees; sap dont run very well.
I sent Grace a letter received one from Rachel
also one from Ethel Johnson, ice is poor great
hold in ice by Carlton Island, heard that 7
teams broke through the ice last Friday between
the villiage & city. V said another new
calf at the barn which makes three.

Tuesday 27 March 1917
A cloudy morning looks like rain &
does rain. Ed McDonald here early to
borrow a paint brush. Geo Rattray phoned
for 1/2 gallon paint oil. both requests satisfied.
Emma washing in kitchen. Edith
washed breakfast dishes. V & J working in
shop. John phoned to Mr Grant Cape Vincent about
going to work for Grant 2nd April. beginning to
snow ground while in few minutes.

Wednesday 28 March 1917
Cloudy, squaly [sic], rain, wind snow
hail, a typical March day beside mid
march every where. V & J working in shop
and picking up arranging and straightening
every thing as far as they can for spring work.
Miss Langley to dinner and supper in evening.
E, E, and E went to Geo Niles came back at 10
Edith got dinner. Emma abed all a.m.
A letter from Alice Higgins. No other letters

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