Wedneday 4 April 1917
A lovely spring day. I saw all the sheep
and lambs this morning 53 of them as they
went out into the pasture. Voltie carried the
bees out this morning. One extinct hive filled
with honey very fine. Emma is cleaning the
veranda floor and moving the plants. I sent
Grace a letter, hope she may get it.
Voltie tried the plow this morning after
drawing hay from lower barn. I received a letter
from Irene K and glad that she sent me a
letter, but I was realy disapointed by not receiving
a letter from Grace. Edith and Emma went
to Mrs N's in evening and carried them
honey. John didn't see Will N so left the
$5,00 dollars with the Niles family.
Thursday 5 April 1917
A cloudy day; not cold. V plowed after
doing barn chores which are not few for
one man to do alone. Emma brought in
and sorted all the clean clothes. Edith
went to Geo Niles for tabaco. I patched and
darned socks and stockings and begin
a letter to Charlotte. gather sap, another
new milker which is 6 altogether but
4 are 2 year old heifers 1, 3 year old,
and 1 cow. 26 eggs brought in to day,
two more lambs which makes 90 homing lambs.
Friday 6 April 1917
Awoke this morning to find a foot of snow
looks like terrible old winter again cant
plow to day so V works away at some
saturated hay stack drawing top home for cows.
Went to JN's for sour milk. I write and post
letter to Charlotte. received a letter from Watson,
one from Rachel. None from Grace. Langley went home.
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