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Thursday 12th April 1917
A cloudy morning. V arose early done
nearly all the chores milked 8 cows &c.
V took his umbrella, 11 doz eggs and
48 sections of honey. Emma drove to dock.
There are some things that ought to be done
but not sure they will be. Like gathering
the sap, churning, washing separator, filling
the honey crates. The sap was gathered, separator
washed. Emma got a bad cold. Joe came and
done the chores at noon, ate dinner, drove to
dock for Voltie, helped V do the chores, staid
to supper and then staid all night after Voltie
and Joe were up till midnight doctoring two
cows; both lost their calves, cows lived. V brought
home groceries and other stuff from Kingston,
another milk pitcher and two white agate
bowls which makes 3 milk pitchers within
a month. Couldnt hire Willie Watson he is
going sailing with Geo Niles so he says.
Voltie says Mary Anne has left Sinclair and
his mother and is not going back there any more.
V was talking with her.

Friday 13 April 1917
Awoke this morning to find the ground
covered with a light fall of snow. Joe didn't
get up till breakfast was ready. Joe to was up
nearly all night to helping Voltie tho cloudy and dismal.
I guess Voltie got
one sick cow, guess she will die. Mail brought
me a letter from Grace & John. Voltie works awful
hard and no help. Skinned two calves to
day. He went to bed quite early this pm.

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