


Status: Indexed

Wednesday 25 Apr 1917
Another cool morning. Voltie has so many
barn chores to do it make the time late
when he goes to field to work. 12 cows to
be milked, 9 calves to be fed. After has to
draw hay from stack, 10 hogs to feed,
4 horses to look after, 50 sheep and lambs
to to [sic] look after beside working in shop repairing
harness and tools. Churning, making prints
for market, cooking, getting the meals.
V sowed 4 bushels of wheat this day.

Thursday 26 Apr 1917
Voltie arose very early this morning milked
the cows (12) fed 9 calves with the rain pouring.
Emma going to Kingston to market with 21
lbs butter, 13 doz eggs. rained so wet Voltie cant
work in field. he drove to dock with Emma
and her market baskets. 35 cents now for
boat fare. Fire in stove low, not much
wood. Rachel went out and gathered
coal from under the cellar window and
V came home from dock with Emma and all her purchases,
gay & happy. 48 eggs to day.
Joe & Sam ate supper here.
Jim Morgan visit her at noon.

Friday 27th April 1917
A cloudy cool morning after the rain of
yesterday. Every thing in disorder around the
rooms this morning. Emma working around
like a heroine. Rachel out gathering coal from
the ground to build a good fire. 38 cts for
butter, 32 for eggs. Voltie again drawing hay this
a.m. Maybe it is to wet to work in full.
Mrs Anne Michea very sick. Another lamb
at the field. Received a letter from John.

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