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Monday 30 April 1917
Great appearance of rain last night and
this morning but the day changed as
it advanced towards noon to a sunshiny
warm beautiful working day in field or
in house. Rachel rode over with V to hoe
out her house. Came back with V to dinner
and brought a pail of dandelions which she
picked over and cleaned for supper. Emma
churned, made bread. Worked in garden after
dinner. Lib sent Rachels dress over and Geo Gillespie
gave it to R when he met her on the
road. Voltie working on the field for oats.
Wrote and sent a letter to John and received
one from Belle. Emma plants potatoes after
dinner. Voltie after dark moved R's hens

Tuesday 1st May 1917
Rained in night cant work in field
to day. Rachel picking up her things to
move home, such a load! She didnt
go. Turns rather chilly and disagreeable this
morning after the beautiful yesterday, rained
in night. V cant work in field. Joe
and Sam in shop. Mrs Michea very sick at Hirams
Oh the gosip [sic] of the neighbors about Rob and
Sinclair taking her immediately to Hirams
every time she has a sick spell when Mabel
has one constant invalid on her hands all time
that is Hiram's father. Wind East and blowing.
The white horses chasing each other to day surely
This is a sudden change from yesterday. Edith
goes to R's to feed and water her hens twice. Ed
gathered 15 eggs for R and 15 for us.

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