Monday 14 May 1917
A bright cool morning. Voltie badly
afflicted with rheumatism but works all the
time. Voltie goes to the factory with the milk for
the first time this spring. V hitched up 4
horse team and proceeded to cultivate. Old
Ben horse stumbled and fell down in dead
furrow. Joe and Sam helped him get the
old "Cutter" up and ate dinner here. Rs
Rachel came over pm bringing the peas
for V to sow. The peas she brought of Geo Gillespie.
Jen wrote R a letter which R
brought over. She wrote that Willie might
be drafted. The very thought of such a thing
is awful. This day George Ranous brought to me
the postage stamps; 51 cts in stamps!
Voltie, Joe and Samy gone spearing this
evening. return at midnight with
Ells [eels], suckers, and rock bass. Dr Campbell
came down to day to attend Mrs Michea.
Tuesday 15 May 1917
Froze quite hard last night. Joe helping
Voltie in the field. Ells [eels] for dinner. I
put beef cooking. R came over and
staid all night. V and Joe & Samy
went spearing again didn't get much
Emma sowed flower seeds. I sowed
Red peas, tomato seeds and a few
other seeds mostly old seeds.
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