Saturday 19 May 1917
A very fine day. Wind South. Voltie doctoring old Ben
again. Joe & Samy and Ed Maloney helped Voltie
get Ben on his feet and he appears much better
but after dinner when Voltie went to turn old B
out he stubbed his old foot and fell down again.
Joe, Samy and Ed here to dinner. Emma papered
up stairs. Last night Voltie and Edith
went spearing. Caught 5 ells, one sucker
and a rock bass. Joe, Samy and Edd after
dinner went to Jack N's to help move his
store, came back and helped V draw hay
from the barn on the Smith place then
helped V get old B on his feet again.
I washed dishes and helped around all I could.
Sunday 10 May 1917
A very fine day but cool. E and E go to church,
came home and after dinner go to Mrs John Niles
for a while. Mrs Niles gave them two pike. Shelly
and her 5 children there. Came back. Then
Miss Langley came after supper. E & E & Miss Langley
went down to Louise's and staid till after dark.
E & E went nearly home with her. Dont know what
Voltie done but he was out nearly all day.
Monday 21 May 1917
V plowed with Duke and Kit for corn ground.
Emma papering the hall up stairs. The rooms
downstairs Kitchen and dining room in great
disorder but after awhile it will be all straightened
out. Received letter from John
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