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Friday 25 May 1917
The sun is out bright this morning but
very cool. After breakfast and chores done
V drove to dock for his ensilage seed corn.
Emma packed the butter then went to work
cleaning the cellar to get ready to carry all
the butter down cellar, after washing all
the breakfast dishes, taking Edith with her
to help. I called Edith many times to
carry the mail to the mail box before it
was to late. She came up mad as usual.
I had an awful row with her to get her
started to the mail box. Then at last Emma
was obliged to come from the cellar to force
her to go with Volties mail. I sent a
letter also to Grace. I realy dont know what
to do with Edith. She is a terrible problem.
She grows worse instead of better with her
loud voice and nasty saucy tongue; but
I am sorry for her all the same. but what
to do, I dont know, she does torment me so.
I cant nor dont want to send her back. What
would become of her with her bad tongue
and and bad disposition. Oh poor Edith!
but i'll try and endure it while I live.
But it is not very good medicine for my head.
My head aches and throbs like a trip hammer.
Voltie is plowing in the field; twelve
Oclock and no dinner. After dinner
the domestic atmosphere clearing
somewhat. E & E set onions multipliers.
I receive a letter from Grace in which is
enclosed 2 of her letters from Reginald. Towards
night Voltie goes to lower barn for hay.
The afternoon cheerless cold. V went over
and chopped wood for Rachel.

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