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Saturday 26th May 1917
a very cool morning and cloudy. Nearly
June and the weather is bad for making garden.
Edith went to Rachels carrying her milk and
my cosmopolitan. Howard here for Golden Bantom
seed corn for his uncle Jack and helped Emma
saw wood. Emma carrying the butter down cellar.
V plowing for corn. Emma cleaning wood
work in kitchen. Edith helping her. Irene
washes a double portion of dishes, last night supper
dishes and breakfast dishes also dinner dishes
46 knives, forks, spoons, plates, platters, cups, saucers,
pans, pots, kettles, pitcher, frying pans, baking pans,
sauce dishes, porrige dishes. Emma & Edith lugged
a bag of flour up stairs, but the routine of usual
Saturday work completely knocked out.
Things look pretty rough around here.
Sheridan came over and went with Voltie,
Joe, Sam, spearing for fish, speared 16 eels
and other kinds of fish. This is Seridan's first
lesson in spearing.

Sunday 27th May 1917
Sun bright, but weather very cool; wind blowing
from N.W. quite briskly. Cows have got out and
gone over on Niles; V gone for them. E & E
feeding calves. Emma soon cleaned things up
and now the dining room looks quite respectable
for Sunday. Edith cleans herself up and goes visiting
to Jim Morgans, stays till near sunset.
Excepting Laura Babcock no one here to day.
Joe Woodman in the house a few minutes;
didn't sit down. Edith came home with her
head & heart completely filled with her visit. Jimmy
had taken them all to Howe Island in motor tour
he went to take Alden and young Duseol back to
home. Alden working on Howe Island.

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