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1043 Telephone No

Monady 29th May 1917

The same kind of cool cloudy weather.
V fixing fence to keep our unruly cows
at home in pasture. R's two rampageons
beasts are the leaders, but they are spoiling the
other cows fast enough. They break the fence down
first go up the road past the church. Then sometimes
Joe dogs them back then they go down the
road. Rachel dogs them back then they
go around the water fence on Niles meadow
and V has to go for them. I send two
Magazines to Eveline and a letter to Miriam
Then towards Night Rachel come over and stays
all night. V this morning drew two cans
of water from the river. We all know ever detail
and item of Edith's Morgan visit. What they all
said and to the smallest fraction from James himself
and Mrs James to the wee baby; some of the details as quite
interesting and some to insignificant to mention.

Tuesday 30th May 1917
Another cool cloudy day . Emma trying to
wash and such a washing. So many clothes
have accumulated in a short time. V drawing
hay from the lower barn and fixing fence. Old
Ben horse feeding in front yard and has either
fell down, or laid lain down. Tis three Oclock pm
and the calves not fed to day, but talk talk stand
around. Mrs Jack Niles has a birth day party.
Emma attends the party and gives her one of her beautiful
vegetable dishes.

Wednesday 30 May 1917
A nice war. Emma washing again to day
lines strung full of clothes. V built fence in a.m.
cultivated corn ground p.m. Edith running after
cows. I write and send letter to Grace and
Barkee. Edith sowed asters. V phoned. R's garden.
V gave Samy .50 cts for going to Rislerr with V
to drive bull.

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