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Thursday 31st May 1917
A very fine morning. V rose early
hustling around getting ready to go to
dock for the potatoes he bought last
Thursday by the Wolfe Island. He bought one
bag for which he paid 6 dollars
big bag of potatoes. Tis an awful price to
pay for a bag of potatoes. Voltie got rheumatism
in left arm pains terribly. Cultivated for
corn, not much washing done to day nor
any thing else. Some out door choring old
Ben down again by the consession.
Had to move the old staging to get old Ben
up. Samy helped V get him on his feet again.
Looks like rain. Emma brought in the
clothes from the line.

Friday 1st June
Rained last night a little. Dark and cloudy
this morning. V gone to factory. Emma clearing
husks from onion sets, while V is gone to factory
before breakfast. Poor dear Emma is Horse De combat.
Emma painted painted kitchen floor finished painting
up stairs washed, brought water from
river. Voltie finished corn ground
cultivating and now has it all prepared
for planting monday. V going to Kingston
tomorrow to see about concrete mixer.
Emma baked bread. Edith carried milk to
Rachel. Rec'd a letter from Grace but did
not get the garden seeds yet from Buckbees,
sent for them 2nd of May and this is 2nd June
and have his card of acknowlegement that he
received my order all right.

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