


Status: Indexed

Saturday 2nd June
V up at 4 October going to Kingston
to day. Joe going to drive to factory
with Volties milk. V phoned to John OBrien
asking him if he was going to Kingston to
this morning in motor, said yes & Voltie
can go with him. After breakfast Voltie walked
across the island to Johny OBriens. Oh the
rooms a horror to look at; the dining room,
pantry, my bedroom, front veranda, and wee
sitting room. Emma washing and hanging
out more clothes this morning.

Sunday 3rd June 1917
A very fine day no church service. Emma &
Miss Langley met at church and went from
there to Abyina McDonalds visiting where
they staid all day. Eddie brought them back
after dark. Emma says they had a most enjoyable
time went to woods to gather flowers and away
up the island. Eddie took them for drive out
We had visitors also. Madaline & Myrabelle Morgan
here all p.m. Sent them home very
happy at sundown with a basket of several little
articles honey, pie plant, old magazines, sun
flower plants &c Voltie doing all chores alone
milked 13 cows.

Monday 4 May 1917
A very fine day. V shearing sheep. Samy and Joe here
digging trench for the new barn. Received the seeds
from Buckbee. Rachel came over staid all night.
Harold Dignum here in evening. He planting for
R and she received a letter from Johndrow saying Ethel very
sick with pneumonia. Sam and Joe here to dinner,
diging trench for barn. Sent G a letter

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